I'm sorry if you've felt like I've drifted off the planet. I assure you - I am still here! (smile) I've been on quite a journey these past 4 weeks with a torn retina - in two different places, retinal hemorrhage, and vitreous detachment. The last time I thought I'd be back at work, he found another tear and I started from day 1 again. This is the first time in my 30+ years of teaching that I have been off work more than 5 days - let alone missing Open House (Core Knowledge Night). I'm generally an active person and I've been laying for 10 days on my side and sitting for 4 week now. No running. No cycling. Barely any walking. I did go to church this week - that was a treat!
The sad part - I don't know how my appointment will go Friday! I am hoping for good news but am skeptical as well since my eye is not as clear as it was a couple of days ago which is a bit worrisome. And while I've not been active, I find that my eyes are very fatigued. You know how as a kid your mom would tell you not to cross your eyes...but you did anyway to try it...and it kind of hurt? That's how my eyes feel most of the time. I think all the straining of trying to focus gets them worn out!
So - time will tell!
In the mean time, I've been able to watch student reports on SeeSaw and I collected items to grade from Ms Dowd who drove all the way up to El Dorado Hills to deliver them to me!! She deserves a pat on the back - and maybe some chocolate and coffee for that!
One of my strengths in "StrengthsFinder" is learning. I love learning! So I've been taking tons of online courses in SkillShare. Yes - fun stuff. I've been working on watercoloring, lettering, and turning watercolor art into digital pictures. All the chalkboard pictures were done on my iPad with an iPad Pencil! I love it!!
We've been busy as teachers sharing documents to plan for an end-of-year party on the last day so don't worry - we're on it!
And...I have busy times ahead of me. I am sorry to let you know I will not be returning to Rocklin Academy next year. I've accepted a position as principal of Victory Christian Elementary School in Carmichael. I know a lot about Victory from my time working in private Christian schools and am really excited about the opportunity. I've valued my time at Rocklin and love love love my students here. Working back in the private school system is something I am looking forward to doing once again. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your wonderful, amazing 6th graders! They have blessed me immensely!