Welcome to Our First Week!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Brief:

  • Return solar eclipse forms Monday. (Ask your child for it.)
  • Alliance Redwoods Parent Information Tuesday, August 22, 6552 multipurpose 5:50 PM
  • Back to School Tuesday August 22, 6552 rm. 225 for Jimison/Paul 6:30pm-7:10pm and 7:20pm-8:00pm
  • Friday August 25 Time Capsule assignment DUE

The Long:

Welcome to our first week! I am so blessed to experience this year with an awesome group of respectful, responsible, and resourceful 6th graders! My heart is full of joy!

We started the week by creating a few "norms" together. Students came up with a social contract they all agreed with and signed it with their thumb print!

Next we worked on what makes a great discussion and came up with group expectations. We all know working with a group can be tough sometimes but it is a wonderful lifelong skill. Collaboration and participation are important.

Monday starts our new "regular" week. Students will be beginning science and history as well as music/band. PE will not be starting until the following week. In history we will start our year with the study of map skills, deserts, and the Paleolithic era. In ELA we are beginning our Lightning Thief book. Students will work on the essential standard of writing a gist and citing evidence. These two important standards will be visited throughout the year!

Monday is an important even! It's the first total solar eclipse since 1979! Students received permission slips on Friday that I hope they have given parents by now. Please sign the permission slip and return Monday. If you check the "yes" box your child will be able to go outside with special glasses and view the eclipse with us. If you check the "no" box your child will stay in for inside recess. The eclipse begins at the west coast and travels across the US to the east. Our best viewing time is just after 10 (around 10:12!) and our class is scheduled for viewing from 10-10:20! Yes! California is not in the path for totality but hopefully students will enjoy the experience. You may read more at NASA's web site our here.

Important DATES:
TUESDAY is our Alliance Redwoods Parent Information meeting - 5:50-6:20 in 6552 multipurpose unless otherwise indicated.  It is also Back to School Night (Parents only) at 6:30 or 7:20. Both homeroom classes will meet in 6552 room 225.

Remember to sign up for Bloomz! It is our parent communication tool. Thank you!

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